
  • Skyrim The Choice Is Yours
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 09:41
    Skyrim The Choice Is Yours

    Skyrim Special Edition also brings the full power of mods to the PC and Xbox One. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience.

    The mod got more than 7K endorsements on Nexus. So apparantly a lot of people want such a modEspecially people who played through the game several times and don't want their quest log cluttered with quests they're not going to do anyway. Even if you untrack quests they still clutter the journal. And you can't delete quets unless you use another mod. Skyrim's quest log is just horrible imo.If you are RPing and wish to do your own thing and know the route you are going to take, then that's fine, but as a completionist, I wish to at least have the option of doing a myriad of quests and not have to remeber the names of locations across the map every time I talk to an innkeeper.

    I love that you get quests from just having conversations, and navigating through a couple quests I won't do is nothing compared to missing out on quests I would like to do because a mod deemed the process of obtaining them unnecessary. You'll have to edit the STEP Patch to still use the Patch. Specifically this esp is causing the CTD: BetterQuestObjectives-TheChoiceIsYoursPatch.esp.

    That ESP was merged into the Patch so it will need to be removed from the Patch. You'll also have to reinstall Better Quest Objectives to not be reliant on The Choice Is Yours.Fantastic. So just removing or hiding that file in the file tree and the reinstall of better quest objectives will have my quests back to the vanilla acquiring style? I love everything about STEP, and having this small tweak will make my experience about as perfect as I could ask. I am still clueless on how to go about removing the esp refrences from the STEp Extended Patch.


    After playing up to level 30 a couple times I found I was missing out on a lot of cool stuff, and I just can't, in good conscience, suggest this to a friend and tell him, 'Well, if you know where a lot of the stuff is, then you'll be fine' when he hasn't played the game that much. If I was a big roleplayer, and only wanted to hit a low level and keep my character very tight along my RP rules, then I can understand this mod, or even some people's need for it. As it stands however, I would really like to not use, and more importantly, be able to learn a little bit about Tes5Edit, so I can help friends of mine who may be overwhelmed when modding or using step.When I use Tes5Edit and select only the STEP Extended patch, the only thing I know to do from there is to select the Patch, once I do that, I see the expanded patch and see a list, and the only thing I can glean from that is to look under the quests teb, and from there I don't see anything resembling the merged ESP for better quest objectives and the choice is yours.

    I do not know how to find the 'merged ESP' that is causing CTD on gamestart. I have been told it is very simple, so I would be extremely grateful if someone could offer any advice on how I can go about removing this single mod out of over 200 that is making me not really want to load up my game anymore, or share this great modset with friends.:(. If you are RPing and wish to do your own thing and know the route you are going to take, then that's fine, but as a completionist, I wish to at least have the option of doing a myriad of quests and not have to remeber the names of locations across the map every time I talk to an innkeeper. I love that you get quests from just having conversations, and navigating through a couple quests I won't do is nothing compared to missing out on quests I would like to do because a mod deemed the process of obtaining them unnecessary.If I may, instead of removing this mod (which is quite a gem, IMHO), you should check out the mod SkyComplete. It is designed especially for 'completionists'.

    Both mods work well together and The Choice is Yours mod is actually very useful if you are a completionist as it allows you to defer quests to make sure you get them done in the preferred order. I am still clueless on how to go about removing the esp refrences from the STEp Extended Patch. After playing up to level 30 a couple times I found I was missing out on a lot of cool stuff, and I just can't, in good conscience, suggest this to a friend and tell him, 'Well, if you know where a lot of the stuff is, then you'll be fine' when he hasn't played the game that much.

    If I was a big roleplayer, and only wanted to hit a low level and keep my character very tight along my RP rules, then I can understand this mod, or even some people's need for it. As it stands however, I would really like to not use, and more importantly, be able to learn a little bit about Tes5Edit, so I can help friends of mine who may be overwhelmed when modding or using step.When I use Tes5Edit and select only the STEP Extended patch, the only thing I know to do from there is to select the Patch, once I do that, I see the expanded patch and see a list, and the only thing I can glean from that is to look under the quests teb, and from there I don't see anything resembling the merged ESP for better quest objectives and the choice is yours. I do not know how to find the 'merged ESP' that is causing CTD on gamestart. I have been told it is very simple, so I would be extremely grateful if someone could offer any advice on how I can go about removing this single mod out of over 200 that is making me not really want to load up my game anymore, or share this great modset with friends.:(It's a bit of a complicated process for anyone that hasn't done much with TES5Edit.

    Skyrim The Choice Is Yours

      Do you ever hesitate to speak to NPCs out of concern that you're just going to get another quest added to your ever growing list of journal entries? Well no more.feel free to ask people questions and listen to their stories. You won't be given quests unless you agree to help them.This mod will stop random greetings, comments, and rumors from triggering quests, as well as having forced encounters with NPCs automatically trigger the start of a quest.

    Now those quests won't be activated unless YOU decide to pursue them.In addition, there are times when you are given a choice to refuse a quest, but the quest will automatically start regardless of your decision or you are forced to agree to do a job before hearing the details. Now quests won't start until you agree to them.

    The Choice Is Yours Skyrim Xbox

    W HY USE THIS MOD?. To avoid being bombarded by two dozen quests in the first 20 minutes of the game and, later, to avoid having unwanted quests added to an already overflowing quest journal. To increase the number of choices available in the game. When you talk to someone and there is a dialogue option to refuse the quest, choosing that option should not start the quest.


    To add a bit more interest (and perhaps even some additional challenge) to the game. If you've played through the game already, you likely know where you need to go for many of these quests.

    If not, then you'll have to actually pay attention to what the NPCs tell you. The game won't take you by the hand and lead you around with map markers pointing to the start of every quest.

    You'll need to keep your eyes and ears open and figure it out on your own (quest markers that appear after you've started the quest are unchanged and will still show up once you've begun the quest). To enhance immersion and role-playing. Certain quests may be contrary to the nature of your character, and you would just as soon not have that quest recorded in your journal as if your character would actually consider it. Or perhaps you've done the quest a dozen times already and just don't care to do it again.

    Skyrim Nexus The Choice Is Yours

    Now you can avoid having those unwanted quests cluttering up your journal.T HIS MOD DOES NOT:. It doesn't change every quest. ONLY the quests listed have been changed. It doesn't delete dialogue or remove quests or NPCs from the game. You'll still hear all the same rumors and greetings.

    After all, these conversations help flesh out the world and allow you to interact with its inhabitants. Also, any new dialogue responses use existing dialogue. This mod doesn't add any unvoiced dialogue. It doesn't delete or break any of the quests. You can still complete each quest as before, but the quest itself (including quest markers and journal entries) will not be given to you until you make the conscious choice to pursue the quest. Be aware that, in many cases, directly encountering the quest objective will still advance the quest. If you decline a quest, you can still change your mind and choose to pursue it at any point in the future.

    Any exceptions are noted below. It doesn't delete journal entries and quest objectives that are already logged in your journal prior to installing this mod.A DDITIONAL INFORMATIONOnce you have actually initiated the quest, in most cases it will run just as it did before, including all the vanilla quest markers and journal entries. However, the following quests have more significant changes made to them. They either include additional completion options or other adjustments to quest itself. Details related to these changes can be found. BOETHIAH'S CALLING - additional completion option. THE FORSWORN CONSPIRACY - must meet at night to advance quest.

    A LOVELY LETTER - additional completion option. MISSING IN ACTION - must visit home at night to advance quest.

    Skyrim The Choice Is Yours
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